THEMOIRè presents Together by THEMOIRè - CHAPTER 04 GULU, UGANDA
THEMOIRè partnered with Good Samaritan association which coordinates an inspiring group of artisan women who have turned their struggles into art by crafting unique prints from porridge and colorful beads from paper waste. Our commitment goes beyond craftsmanship as we aim to support the whole young community of Gulu supporting the extraordinary work of Good Samaritan and TO.GET.THERE, focusing on essential resources, health care, scholarship and education for street children and youth, offering a path to growth and opportunity.


Good Samaritan Association supports children, youth and women in situations of poverty and marginality to enable them to build a future for themselves through schooling, vocational training and employment. Among its activities, the association has enabled thousands of children to receive education and support through school access aid and tuition payment. While the Wawoto Kacel Cooperative has been and still is the working and therapeutic place where every woman can find acceptance, protection, dignity.

To.Get.There is a nonprofit organization founded by Massimo Leonardelli and Piero Piazzi. Based in Italy, it serves children and families affected by AIDS in Uganda, South Sudan and the Central African Republic. Through a network of volunteers, the organization provides essential support, including medical care, financial assistance, food and educational opportunities.
In partnership with the local Comboni Samaritans, To.Get.There raises funds to improve living conditions and promote HIV prevention and awareness. The organization prioritizes transparency in its financial practices and ensures effective program implementation to maximize its impact.